
領到獎金的第一件事當然就是把家裡缺的 [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 買回來啦~~

而且本姑娘在幾天前就上網做好2017流行商品[美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings相關功課,經過比價之後,決定在這買啦~~~









PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准!Product Details

Product Dimensions: 2.4 x 5 x 9.6 inches ; 12.3 ounces

Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces

Self-sharpening steel blades to cut each hair perfectly

10 built-in precision lengths settings from 1/32 inch (0.5mm) to 13/32 inch (10mm), easily adjustable and lock in with the trimmer's zoom wheel

Advanced lithium-ion battery delivers up to 90 minutes runtime after an 8 hour charge

Washable heads for easy cleaning

Beard comb for a skin friendly trim

Product Description

The Philips Norelco Beard trimmer Series 3100 provides you with the perfect beard and stubble with less hassle. The 10 built-in length settings from 1/32 inch (0.5mm) to 13/31 inch (10mm), with an exclusive locking feature, delivers a precise and customizable trimming experience without multiple separate attachments. The self-sharpening blades provide performance and lasting sharpness. The secured length settings ensure an even trim every time. The skin-friendly trimmer with rounded tips and comb prevent skin irritation. The advanced lithium ion battery provides up to 90 minutes of cordless use after an 8 hour charge. With a fully washable head, simply rinse device under the faucet for easy cleaning. This beardtrimmer provides maintenance-free usage, with self sharpening blades and no oiling required for convenience. BeardTrimmer 3100 comes with a 45 day risk-free trial and a full 2-year warranty. Packaging includes: electric trimmer, power cord, beard comb and cleaning brush.





[美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時






之後她更提到: 「由女性來照顧家庭的做法是非常強烈的刻板印象,但這不僅歧視婦女,而且也限制了男性在家庭和社會中的參與和聯繫。」呼籲育嬰假政策也必需包括男性,畢竟照顧家庭是兩性的責任,男女更不該因為想成為父母而受到經濟上的懲罰。精彩的演說也立刻博得喝采。


(路透舊金山/華盛頓2日電)外界預期美國總統川普將限制臨時工作簽證,根據路透社對美國勞工部檔案的分析,矽谷科技大廠中,臉書公司(Facebook Inc.)恐怕首當其衝。

去年臉書的美國員工中,有15%以上利用臨時工作簽證,使得這家社群媒體巨擘被歸類為H-1B「依賴型」企業,比例上高於Alphabet公司旗下Google、蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)、亞馬遜公司(Amazon.com Inc.)或微軟公司(Microsoft Corp.)。


川普與獲提名出任司法部長的聯邦參議員塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)都曾反對現行計畫。根據路透社目睹的行政命令草案,他們也表示願意改革,「確保計畫受益者是最傑出且最優秀者」。路透社目前尚無法證實草案真實性。春節送禮推薦



[美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 推薦, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 討論, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 部落客, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 比較評比, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 使用評比, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 開箱文, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings?推薦, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 評測文, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings CP值, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Philips Norelco QT4008/49 電動刮鬍刀 Beard trimmer Series 3100, 10 built-in length settings 去哪買?


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